Director Message

Schools have been described as building of four walls with our tomorrows inside. How we care & nurture our todays will determine how our tomorrows will be.
I feel strengthened with pride that in a very short period of its glorious existence the school has made a niche for itself in the region.
Life begins at home, grooms and flourishes at school & society. Children are the assets of the nation therefore, their fostering and upbringing an ideal ambience is must where they can assimilate moral values of our scriptures and develop an ability to understand the facts analytically and grow wonderfully.In this perspective, I feel immensely glad and proud to apprise you that SXHS is a Modern Gurukul we nurture in them the traditional eternal values of India and its scientific excellence.
We equip our children with all the qualities to live a better life. We help them possess high level of competencies and potentialities so that they can courageously overcome complex challenges of future and they can contribute in formation of noble a society.
This is our sincere endeavour that every child gets through in his mission of life and he becomes a successful Engineer, Doctor, Manager, Administrator, Entrepreneur etc. of the loftiest level and above all good citizen of the nation.
I hope that we together can build up the personality of tomorrow at SXHS. For this, your constant valuable guidance and support will work magically. Our tomorrow is in the hands of today’s children, so we are more responsible to build our tomorrow with the most talented citizens who can lead the future to the height of unchallenged summit.
Yourfaith in SXHS and constant support to us will pave he path of historical success of your ward (s) ahead in his/her life. You can be assured at our end that faculty, facilities, formation of habits, futuristic guidance, fantastic infrastructure will enable him/her the best schooling experiences.
So, let your child experience the best schooling of the area, makes indomitable personality and relish the flavour of success.
With warm regards
Randhir Kumar
Randhir Kumar